Coaching Roots
A place for professional learning with an emphasis on experiences and tools developed in Wisconsin. Each post is tagged regarding components of Wisconsin's Coaching Competency Practice Profile.
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Coaching Emotions: The Client
Monday, May 3, 2021
Coaching and Emotions; Emotions of a Coach
Part II
In this three part blog I’m exploring how emotions show up in coaching. I’m attempting to do this using vulnerability and sharing my own journey as I redefine what emotional intelligence means. In the first blog, I explore the history of patriarchy. I am a firm believer that our way of being is shaped by the systems which have historically dominated our culture. In this second blog I will further explore how emotions show up for a coach and what to do with them.
In the past I have viewed emotions as a chink in a coaches armor, an Achilles heel if you will. There is no denying they will show up, humans are emotional beings, and coaches are human. The question is how you will react. If I visualize my past self, I would see a dog drenched in water who quickly shakes it off. Or to weave back to the metaphor I used in the last post, a duck whose feathers let the water roll right off. The more I read, and attempt to acknowledge my emotions I see myself more as a frog, with permeable skin. I let the emotions soak in, acknowledge them, and then intentionally decide what to do with them.
The lesson I’ve learned so far (and it is ongoing as I am still on this journey) is that the question isn’t so much about IF to acknowledge them, but rather WHEN. There are essentially three options of WHEN: In the moment when speaking with the client, at a future session, or individually through reflection/journaling. I’ll dig into each option below.
In the Moment
Of the three opportunities to leverage emotions, this one may be the most difficult. If the coaching conversation were akin to a tightrope, choosing to share your own emotions may be the balancing pole the client needs to get to the other side or it could make them topple. If you are new, like me, to coaching into emotions, I suggest starting with clients where a foundation of trust has already been established and follow two key guidelines.
Ask permission to share your emotion.
Explain why you think it is important to share.
If you feel that the emotion you are experiencing would not add to the coaching cycle, it is okay to refrain from doing so. Once you make that decision, however, it is critical that you remain attentive to the emotion; because it isn’t going away. Emotions don’t only show up in our words, they also show up in our facial expressions and body language. If you decide not to bring the emotion into the space, slow down the conversation and notice where the emotions are showing up for you physically (more on this in the third blog). You may even tell the client, “I’m taking a moment to think about where we might go next with the conversation.” Another powerful coaching question Elena Aguilar shared in her last newsletter to prompt reflection and provide yourself with space, “What do you hear yourself saying?” Once you have a moment, take an account of yourself. Do you feel your face tightening, or restless hands of legs? Take a breath and quiet these responses, for the time being, as they might direct the tone of the conversation as much as your word choice. Also, as you move forward, note the tone of your voice, has it shifted. If so, slow down and bring it back to center. There will be space to address these emotions after the coaching session.
In a Future Session
If during a coaching session, you are triggered by something someone has said, it is okay to return to it at a later date. Physiologically speaking we are wired for fight or flight and sometimes our physical response and emotions can jump into high gear before we even have a chance to acknowledge them. In situations like these, it may be helpful to tell yourself--I’m going to address this later, for now we move on as best as we are able.
Once I was coaching a building team and the topic of family involvement in student academics and behavior came up. The entire team began to slip into a deficit mindset swirl. One teacher stated, “Our school population has shifted and these parents don’t even care.” Another added, “I know, I had a parent ask me, ‘What do you want me to do about it.’ this week.” As a coach I felt my face muscles tightening and some anger in my stomach. I did my best to coach them towards an asset-based conversation, but mostly failed. Upon deep reflection afterwards, I realized that my emotions were getting in the way of my best coaching self. I decided to revisit the conversation in our next session. At the beginning of the session I stated, “Last time we met, there was a conversation about family engagement and I’m wondering if I might share some feelings that were coming up with me?” After some affirmation from the team I continued, “Some statements were made that made me feel both angry and sad. I’m hoping I can share them with you and we can dig into them a little more.” I proceeded to read back direct quotes from my coaching notebook. Although it was a difficult coaching session, the team did agree that their approach was not solution-orientated and that beliefs needed to shift. I had leveraged my own emotions to move forward.
Sometimes it may not be appropriate to honor your emotions in the moment. Perhaps interjecting your emotions into a conversation may shift the attention from the client and their work to you. Perhaps the emotion is new or strong and exposing it could be messy and muck up the coaching relationship. When in doubt, it may be best to hit pause, give a metaphoric nod to what is showing up and think, “I’ll address you later.” Following all coaching sessions, but especially those that give rise to emotions, journaling can be a powerful tool. Starting a coaching journal where you acknowledge what you were feeling emotionally, what the potential triggers were and how it made you physically feel can all contribute to the intentionality of how you will address them in the future.
This post has explored how coaches can and should recognize their own emotions when coaching. Hopefully you’ve reflected on some options to let emotions seep in and become a tool you look to rather than shake off. In the third, and final post of the series, I’ll explore how to acknowledge and leverage the emotions of others when coaching.
Friday, March 26, 2021
Coaching and Emotions; History of Patriarchy
Part I
“Like water off a duck’s back” has been my coaching mantra for several years. I have often taken pride in what I considered strong emotional intelligence. My personal definition, however, I fear was skewed by a history of patriarchy and a “Midwest Nice” culture. Previously, I would have defined strong emotional intelligence as the ability to leave my personal baggage at the door and deflect the emotions of those I was coaching as if shoeing away annoying insects. In essence I saw emotions as something controlled by a light switch, not of the dimming sort, but rather one that could be quickly switched to off.
While I am still in a moment of personal reckoning, I would like to offer a new definition of emotional intelligence, one that does not turn from emotions, but rather creates a space for them to be acknowledged and either released or embraced.
In Wisconsin’s definition of coaching, The Coaching Competency Practice Profile references emotional intelligence in two different spaces. First, it calls on coaches themselves to develop emotional intelligence, “Coach regulates and monitors their own emotional state and makes strategic choices about when and how to share their own feelings and thoughts in order to maintain focus on the goals of the client and system” (component 7b). Additionally, a coach should support clients to, “leverage strong emotions to maximize productive outcomes” (component 3a).
This three part blog will attempt to offer some further insight on how emotional intelligence shows up for a coach and how a coach can navigate and make space for the emotions of others. Before I could begin to deconstruct my personal perception of what it means to have a strong emotional intelligence, I had to first understand and grapple with the historical foundation of patriarchy upon which it was built; the focus of the first blog.
The history of patriarchy is one that began approximately ten thousand years ago. It brings with it a deluge of societal structures that are still omnipresent in our country today. Part of these structures includes a laundry list of how men and women “should act” and defines what roles are appropriate for men and women to take on. It would be difficult to reflect on the history of patriarchy in its entirety in several tomes of writing, let alone a single blog. For the purpose of this reflection I am exploring how patriarchy shows up in our expression of emotions.
I will begin by exposing what Glickman refers to as the Man Box, “This “real man,” as defined by the Man Box, represents what is supposedly normative and acceptable within the tightly controlled performance of American male masculinity.” These confines are detailed and play out in advertisements and media on a daily basis. One key component of the Man Box is the fear to expose insecurities or fears which can translate into tampering emotions.
In Elena Aguilar's chapter on emotions in her new text, Coaching for Equity, she briefly explores the connection of the beliefs many of us hold about emotions as, “untrustworthy, childlike, and frivolous” connecting back to writings in Greek, Roman and Chritian texts.
Another unique layer for my consideration of expression emotions is the context of my geographic location within the United States. My own understanding of Midwest Nice is likened to a happy-faced, passive aggressive approach where individuals say (or don’t say) what they hope will lead to shallow pleasantries and then speak their truth under their breath or behind closed doors. I was unable to find much research on the history of this, but in an article by Andrea Plaid Scandanavian settlers are credited with infusing the Law of Jante throughout the region; “Under the Law of Jante, everyone is on the same level and no one is distinct. With a focus on the needs of the collective rather than the accomplishments of the individual, the Law of Jante keeps people in check.” An essay by Paul Christman says that, “If it is to serve as the epitome of America for Americans. . . the place had better not be too distinctly anything.” He further goes on to suggest that a pressure to be “normal” has repressed emotions.
As I think about how my emotions show up as a coach and in those I coach, I found it important to begin with this history. I am by no means an expert on the history of patriarchy, and hope that you do your own exploration and take time to reflect. But why is history important to this discussion? I need to be aware of the potential underpinnings of patriarchy and how it shows up for me so that I can begin to check any assumptions I may be making. Without some knowledge of this history, I may take my beliefs for granted. As Elena Aguilar notes, “What do we think and feel when someone from [another group] expresses emotions in a way that is outside of what we consider acceptable?” It’s important to understand why we consider something acceptable in the first place.
As I continue to build upon my new definition of emotional intelligence, it is clear to me that I must be intentional in rejecting the pillars of patriarchy. One way I can achieve this is by making space to normalize expressing and speaking to emotions.
If you are interested in exploring coaching and emotions further, consider subscribing to this blog and be on the lookout for the next post in the series which will explore how we, as coaches, acknowledge and leverage our own emotions.
Friday, October 16, 2020
Navigating Uncharted Waters by Heidi Laabs
Meet our guest blogger Hedi Laabs:
Heidi Laabs is a veteran educator, having served as a French teacher, middle school assistant principal, middle school principal, and assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction in the School District of Waukesha for 34 years. Following her retirement from Waukesha in 2007, she worked at Cardinal Stritch University, served as a REACH mentor for schools in southern Wisconsin, and coached principals around the state. In 2011, she joined the Wisconsin RtI Center as Leadership and Coaching Coordinator.
Every time we log into email or check social media, we are bombarded with
reminders that all of us in education are in the midst of uncharted waters, in an
ambiguous environment, experiencing things we never would have imagined
when 2020 began. “Am I the Only One Struggling with Online Instruction?” “A
Tale of Hybrid Teaching: It Was the Worst of Times. It Was the Worst of Times.”
“COVID-19 Teacher Toolkit: Resilience Through Self-Care.” “How Ready Are We
to Support Kids Through This Trauma?” “Pay attention to taking care of yourself.
If you’re drained, your students will know.” These are just a few of the email
subject lines and Facebook comments that have popped up for me over the
course of 24 hours. Teachers, students, support staff, administrators, parents and
yes, coaches, are all feeling stress, anxiety, ambiguity and uncertainty.
Just as teaching (and learning) look very different now from how they looked just
7 short months ago, so does coaching look very different. Some consistent
themes have emerged during our CESA Coaches Networking meetings and
conversations with RtI Center Leadership and Coaching participants. One of those
themes has been around the very nature of coaching conversations. While many
coaches still are able to schedule regular coaching conversations with teachers,
they also find that they are doing much more impromptu coaching, “on the fly,”
or in response to crises or breakdowns. Instructional coaching is increasingly
focused on helping teachers to navigate the use of technology for virtual learning,
rather than on curriculum and traditional instructional practices.
Just as teachers find themselves addressing the social and emotional learning
needs or their students more than ever before, coaches are supporting the social
and emotional needs of their clients. For both teachers and coaches, Maslow’s
Hierarchy often takes precedence over Bloom’s Taxonomy! Coaches play an
important role in helping teachers navigate the stress and anxiety of teaching
during COVID-19.
During our Coaches Network meetings, coaches from around the state have
offered tips and suggestions for effective coaching in our current environment.
Among those suggestions are
Tap into emotional intelligence. Provide a safe place for educators to talk
about feelings, emotions and worries.
Remember the importance of bebevolence in building trust with clients.
Benevolence doesn’t mean congeniality, it means having someone’s back
in tough times.
Connect regularly with principals and other administrators to ensure that
all bases are being covered.
Redefine and articulate the role of the coach in response to current
circumstances. If there isn’t a job description for coaches, now is the time
to get one!
Consider how coaches can support Educator Effectiveness in light of
current circumstances.
Collect feedback and data from teachers on the importance and
effectiveness of coaching. Share it with administrators!
Participate in your CES’s Coaches Network. It’s a great way to get support
for your work and to learn from colleagues.
Ask for help when you need it!
Colleagues have also offered some resources for coaching support during these
unprecedented times. Here are several that are highly recommended:
Jim Knight's blog post: Instructional Coaching During the Corona Virus Crisis
RtI: Coaching Teacher Resilience During COVID 19
Coach Federation: Covid 19 Resources for Coaches
Several coaches have shared that they are using Elena Aguilar’s books, Onward:
Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators and The Onward Workbook: Daily
Activities to Cultivate Your Emotional Resilience and Thrive, in their practice, with
positive outcomes.
As we continue to navigate these uncharted waters, we invite you to share your
ideas and resources with all of us. Together, we are better! And don’t forget to
reflect daily on our success, and celebrate what’s going well!
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Defining Coaching: A Tool to Bust the Unicorn Myth.
I am occasionally a guest-blogger for TeachBoost. Check out my latest blog linked below.
"Is that what I think it is? It's an IC!" Joseph Kanke, statewide coaching coordinator in Wisconsin, makes the case for using shared language to better define the role of the coach, help make them more accessible and approachable, and support coach growth at the organization level.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Coaching Systems Development; Implementation Drivers
Monday, March 11, 2019
Coaching Systems Development; Formula for Success
Coaching Emotions: The Client
Part III In parts I and II of this series we have explored the history of emotions and how emotions show up for us, as coaches. In this t...
Part III In parts I and II of this series we have explored the history of emotions and how emotions show up for us, as coaches. In this t...
Part II In this three part blog I’m exploring how emotions show up in coaching. I’m attempting to do this using vulnerability and sharing ...
In the previous blog post, the first of this three point series, I began connecting coaching to the Implementation Science Formula for Su...